Active Boot Disk 25 Free Full Activated

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[Image: Active%20Boot%20Disk%20crack.jpg]

Active Boot Disk contains a collection of powerful utilities to perform data recovery, data imaging, secure data erasure and a number of other tasks all from a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash media. The self-contained boot environment by-passes the operating system allowing you to boot previously unbootable PCs.
Active Boot Disk can be installed on a CD, DVD or USB flash drive which you can use to boot up your computer from. It provides a completely self-contained boot environment which bypasses the operating system entirely, allowing you to boot up on any computer, regardless of the condition of your Windows operating system.
You can install Active@ Boot Disk (recovery boot disk) to any kind of bootable media and then change your BIOS boot priority settings accordingly. Once the computer has started up from the bootable disk, you can safely remove it. Dual-boot functionality with DOS and Windows support is also possible with optical media.